“This is Jim Rockford. At the tone leave your name and message. I’ll get back to you.” “Hey Rockford, very funny. I ain’t laughin’. You’re gonna get yours.” The fun of this message is not in its words, but in…
There’s a new channel on my television, and it couldn’t have come sooner. It seems like every time I put on MeTV these days, Raymond Burr is there, interrogating people in black and white or wheeling around in color. A…
In another indicator of the subtle but steady changing of the times, the death of Joyce Brothers earlier this week went by largely unnoticed. To anyone who watched a respectable amount of television in the Seventies, Joyce Brothers was instantly…
(In Part I of this essay, the origins of the rock star figure in Western culture were examined, beginning with Elvis and leaving off with the Beatles’ triumphal debut appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show.) To be sure, America’s youth…