Look at the before of Molly Webber on the left: She’s shy, sulky, shoe-gazing, and librarian-haired. She wears nerd glasses and a Little House on the Prairie dress.
In short, she’s absolutely gorgeous.
Now look at her on the right. Those are the after shots. That’s what happens when you leave a 14-year old in charge of your makeover in 1972, even if that 14-year old is Marcia Brady.
You get bad makeup; clothing that is both dowdy and tacky, and accentuates the barely budding curves of femininity in all the wrong ways (the girl equivalent of the ninth-grade starter moustache.)
Hairwise, they gave her “The Jan,” with those prominent curling-iron batwings that fall at eye level and serve to draw your attention in toward the powder-blue eye shadow and heavily applied rouge.
That episode was made 40 years ago!
Today we know better. Today we appreciate the old Molly Webber.